Psittaciformes Nutribird B18 3kg Versele Laga VLB18003 €15.40 Nutribird B 18 es un pienso de cría completo y equilibrado para periquitos pequeños y otros psitácidos. Indicado también para agapornis, neophemas y forpus. Son granulados con una composición científicamente probada a base de cereales seleccionados, fruta fresca y un 50 % de mijo. Completamente absorbible, sin desperdicios. Contiene Florastimul, una... Add to cart
Seeds repackaged Sunflower seed sem018 €1.00 Seeds rich in fats with a high content of iron, calcium, vitamin E and vitamin B2. Should be given mainly at the time of encelamiento birds (due to its high content of vitamin E) and fattening chicks accompanying pasta breeding, preferably germinated, as this seed can provide enough protein to help the growth of the chicks. 1 Euro = 900gr 3 Euros = 2.7... Add to cart
Product available with different options Seeds repackaged Foniopaddy 20000026 €7.90 Foniopaddy seeds naturally controls coccidiosis in poultry, that is helps the immune system to cope with parasites producers avian coccidiosis. Formato: 500 gr - 1Kg View
Feeding Cichlid Sticks Prodac Prodac apec057 €3.70 CICHLID STICKS Compound food bars designed to meet the nutritional needs of large cichlids like Ciclasoma, Pseudotropheus, Astronotus. Feed formulation ensures a balanced diet not only for fish but also for aquatic turtles and amphibians. Add to cart
Feeding NovoBetta Jbl 100ml JBL apec006 €5.10 JBL NovoBetta Betta fish food and other fighters Vitamins and minerals ensure healthy growth and increase their resistance to disease. Especially developed for the carnivorous diet of "betta splendens" and its varieties. Its high in protein and krill plus essential carotenoids enhance brilliant colors. It promotes conception in female varieties.... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Easyyem Pigment Easyyem Easyyem EAS0023100 €11.50 Supplementary food for ornamental birds. PIGMENT is a purely natural product of plant origin. The plant extracts participate in the formation of pigment cells in feathers and legs, as well as in the intensification of the pigment of the melanin of the Canary Islands that present the same pigment, type Lizard, carduélidos ... Also serves to stimulate the... View
Product available with different options Canaries Mixture Benesere Raggio di sole Raggio di Sole 804000 €19.70 Description: Professional Mix for All Kind of Birds, has a beneficial effect for digestive activity and is a natural intestinal bio-regulator. Suitable formula throughout the year. Composition: Chicory, grasses, fennel, cabbage, radish, spinach, black lettuce, white lettuce, negrillo, white millet, Japanese millet, poppy and seeds of wild plants. Format:... View
Prebiotics and Probiotics Levolac 1Kg 680001 €27.10 Levolac Powder Complex of germinated and fermented cereals by selected lactic bacteria. Complex of natural enzymes (vegetable and bacterial). It is used as a natural growth factor, favoring the alimentary transition and the increase of its assimilation. Composition: Crude protein: 12.9%; Raw materials: 1,6%, Crude cellulose: 3,8%; Gross ash: 10.2%,... Add to cart
Breeder Accessories Nail clippers 3275 €8.00 Nippers nail clippers for our birds. Ideal for cutting excess nail and beak in birds. Add to cart
Vitamins & Supplements Charcoal Ornilife DISFA 10000050 €5.00 Charcoal Natural product, complementary food for all types of birds, ornamental and singing birds improves digestion and cleansing effects of the intestine. This food supplement absorbs unnecessary liquid from bird droppings that can be caused by a diet high in fruits and vegetables Presentation: 250 gr Add to cart
Home Special Bath Salts Orniluck Orniluck 500lsb €6.80 Special bath salts for the good condition of the feathers and skin of birds. Orniluck Bath Salts clean the plumage, provide flexibility, resistance and shine. They promote the replacement of old feathers contributing to a correct moult. They have a relaxing action on the muscles, reduce stress and pecking. The skin of the legs becomes softer and without... Add to cart