Lenda Lenda Original Light lenda04 €20.50 Young and adult dogs | All the races Lenda Original Light is a natural and hypoallergenic food, created for the daily consumption of young dogs and adults with little physical activity and who need a low-calorie diet. Its source of animal protein is chicken and also incorporates a package of joint protectors and medicinal herbs that help prevent joint... Add to cart
LOR Unifeed L.O.R. Unifeed Vita LORV002 €13.50 UNIFEED L.O.R VITA IS a product studied for the feeding of nest chicks. The innovative production process makes it possible to hydrate while remaining with the Rusk type appearance. Hold up to 48h in the feeder without perishing. 19% protein Add to cart
Home Mixture Australian Diamond Premifood Jarad 400931 €7.95 Mixture Australian Diamond Premifood Jarad Mixture with a nutritional balance, varied and versatile formula for small exotics. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Home Ovobird Fortebird FB180100 €9.00 Ovobird is a premixed powder indicated for improving the internal quality of the egg, reducing the incidence of “clear fluids” in situations of stress due to heat or after infectious processes that can alter the consistency of the albumen. Due to its vitamin C content, it is indicated as an immunity stimulant. It improves the process of recovery from... View
OWNAT OWNAT Classic Kitten Cat G031426 €7.25 Indicated for kittens from 4 to 12 months, it is formulated with high caloric and protein levels to respond to the high requirements of your developing organism. With a special attention to the digestive security thanks to the proteins of the fresh meat and to the fructo and manano oligosaccharides that favor the intestinal balance. Add to cart
Psittaciformes Prestige big parakeets Versele laga V21880 €3.45 Complete food of the Versele Laga brand for lovebirds and nymphs. It is a staple food to provide them with a long and healthy life, and a strong and ostentatious plumage. This seed blend provides a balanced diet of all vital nutrients. This bird food is the best foundation for strong, ostentatious plumage in natural colors. Composition: Yellow millet... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock minerals Grit with Charcoal 4 Kg Disfa 10000014 €5.60 Grit with Charcoal Disfa Food supplement that provide calcium, phosphorus and other minerals and improves the digestion of the bird, consisting of small red rocks, of clay origin, whitish, of silicon origin and other black ones that are charcoal. It is recommended for all types of birds without factor, for birds with factor the white Grit is recommended. View
Home Mixture Health Premifood Jarad 400949 €9.10 Mixture Health Premifood Jarad Mixture of seeds with a highly recommended nutritional balance to optimize recovery processes after convalescence and deworming. Add to cart
Protectors and other accessories CALCICOLINA-P LATAC 668 €5.80 Treatment rich in calcium and phosphorus deficiency states almost always produced by nutritional imbalances and excess fat seeds. Is an essential dietary supplement to correct any faults nutrition guidelines, even the most studied, and in higher doses acts as an effective medicine for the treatment of liver and digestive diseases. Composition: Lactose 2%;... Add to cart
Raggio di sole TH World seca Raggio di sole 807908 €20.40 Yellow dry pasta special professional for all types of birds especially European, indigenous and exotic wildlife, based bakery products, oils and fats, cereals, natural sugars, vegetable by-products, seeds, fish and fish derivatives, molluscs and shellfish, milk and dairy products, egg products, minerals and natural flavorings. Ideal in the stages of... Add to cart