canaries Passerine Crop Milk 100gr Serinus SE.1401 €11.15 Papilla for the manual breeding (embuche) of chicks of granivorous passerine birds (canaries, wild finches, stríldidos, etc), during the first critics 5-7 days of life. It is an exclusive papilla of high concentration and digestibility.Its use as a support food, allows to guarantee the survival and proper development of nestlings of numerous clutches or... Add to cart
Home Stick turtles 1255ga €2.00 Stick food for aquatic turtles, aquarium fish. 2euros = 80gr Add to cart
Seeds repackaged Birdseed sem001 €1.00 It is a seed with a high carbohydrate content and low fat content, so it is advisable to supply them with other seeds having a higher fat content. Suitable for all types of grain-eating birds Active ingredients: starch, lipids, resins, salicylic and oxalic acids, and nitrogenous substances. 1 Euro= 500 gr 3 Euros= 1,5 Kg Add to cart
Breeder Accessories Canary plastic eggs 190032 €0.10 Artificial eggs are used so that the chicks are born the same day and there is no size imbalance between the young. It avoids the death of some by not receiving food or crushing due to this difference. Add to cart
Others Bull Competicion perral086 €30.00 This feed is recommended for adult dogs of all breeds with high activity. It has high levels of protein to help keep muscles strong and high in times of high physical activity. Ingredients: Cereals, meat and animal by-products of vegetable origin, oils and fats, vegetable protein extracts and minerals. ANALYTICAL COMPONENTS: Crude protein: 32% • Crude... Add to cart
Product available with different options Versele-Laga Versele-Laga YEL-LUX spcv109 €6.20 Yel-Lux is a natural yellow dye-based carotenoid lutein. This dietary supplement intensifies the yellow plumage and increases endurance. Since feathers consist of dead cells, and therefore are not fed through metabolism absorb color when formed. View
canaries Passerine Crop Milk White100gr Serinus SE.1601 €12.90 Papilla for the manual breeding (embuche) of chicks of granivorous passerine birds (canaries, wild finches, stríldidos, etc), during the first critics 5-7 days of life. It is an exclusive papilla of high concentration and digestibility. Its use as a support food, allows to guarantee the survival and proper development of nestlings of numerous clutches or... Add to cart
Canaries White bird food breeds Serinus SE.2500 €42.30 Serinus Formula Blanca Cría is indicated for the reproductive stage, to facilitate the moult and to wax the singing males. The birds obtain all the necessary nutrients to enjoy optimum health, excellent vigor and an unbeatable quality of plumage. The breeding formula is the one indicated to constitute the basis of the diet during the breeding season, from... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Home Fertibol Comed 82274 €9.00 Fertibol Bird Comed is a suspension for birds based on calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, D and E necessary for the eggs to be larger and have a perfect structure for hatching. Fertibol Bird is ideal for a solid constitution and development of the skeleton of young birds. HOW TO USE Administer 30 ml per kilo of pasta or food. Start 2 weeks before... View