Seeds repackaged Birdseed sem001 €1.00 It is a seed with a high carbohydrate content and low fat content, so it is advisable to supply them with other seeds having a higher fat content. Suitable for all types of grain-eating birds Active ingredients: starch, lipids, resins, salicylic and oxalic acids, and nitrogenous substances. 1 Euro= 500 gr 3 Euros= 1,5 Kg Add to cart
Others Brokaton Complet bulk packaging brok 001 €1.00 This feed is recommended for adult dogs of all breeds with normal activity or low. 1 Euro= 700 gr 3 Euros= 2,1 Kg Add to cart
Seeds repackaged Hemp sem003 €1.00 Oilseed high nutritional value. It is exciting, gives warmth and is not easily digested, useful in the moulting. It has been revealed as an excellent food for all parrots, its high nutritional value. Their levels of fat advise a supply of this seed in moderation. They are very necessary during the winter, especially for those pets that spend the winter in... Add to cart
Re-packaged food Cotagro Cot001 €1.00 Cotagro Cotagro cat food, from the coteccnica house. 1 Euro= 500 gr 3 Euros= 1,5 Kg Add to cart
drinkers Short Drinking Medicinal 40cc (Art. 146) 2gr 21146 €0.39 Short Drinking Medicinal 40cc (Art. 146) 2gr Short plastic drinker to put medicines. Its narrow dispenser helps the birds do not bathe in it and do not waste medicated water. Add to cart
Home Insecticide, acaricide Powder chameleon cam001 €6.40 Chameleon Powder Insecticide contains alpha-cypermethrin, the latest generation pyrethroid insecticide, with fast shock action and powerful efficacy. format: 1kg Add to cart