Product available with different options Raggio di sole Pasta Blanca Seca TH Puro Raggio di sole 807286 €20.00 Food composed for canaries TH Pure of the Fly Paté line of Raggio di Sole is a genuine and genuine pastoncino ideal for the breeding of lipocromic canaries (white, mosaic, frosted, etc.), absolutely free of coloring and pigmenting substances that could create unwanted gilding to the plumage. The package contains Fly Premix Patè with vitamins, mineral... View
Jarad Cardo mariano powdered Jarad 906737 €7.00 Milk thistle is a good anti-inflammatory for the liver and helps it regenerate. Canary or goldfinch that begins to be fed with thistle seeds, the increase in appetite and the establishment of balance in intestinal functions can be highlighted. In the breeding of the canary with red factor, for the alterations suffered by the liver of said canaries when... Add to cart
Home OLLETA MALAGUEÑA RINCON CRISTAL 2927 €1.40 Drinker for goldfinches, greenfinches and other wild birds ideal for wildlife cage Dimensions: Height 8 cm Capacity: 60ml. approximately Add to cart
Parts & Accessories Cover for cage C-1 and C-2 adaptable 1264SILV €0.60 Covers for plastic cages C-1 and C-2. It is adaptable for the 2 types of cagesColors available:Green Wood Brown White Black Add to cart
Psittaciformes Minor Psittacus PI.4010 €8.50 Formula indicated for small and medium size species such as lovebirds, kakarikis, small and medium parrots ...The maintenance feeds are those indicated to be supplied to the pets and to the reproducers in the stages of reproductive inactivity. Its composition allows them to comfortably cover the nutritional needs of these periods.The daily consumption... Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Home Avicor Forte Cría Dival Hoyo AV010300 €9.50 Composition: Bakery products, creams, oils and quick extracts of vegetable proteins, various sugars, minerals, seeds, milk and derivatives of milk. Vitamin A 9000 IU, Vitamin D3 600 IU, Vitamin E 6mg, Vitamin BI 3mg, Vitamin B2 3mg, Vitamin B6 1.5mg, Vitamin B12 0.008mg. Vitamin PP 6mg, Pantothenic Acid 3mg, Vitamin H 0.03mg. Iron carbonate 34mg, Sulfate... View
drinkers Short Drinking Medicinal 40cc (Art. 146) 2gr 21146 €0.39 Short Drinking Medicinal 40cc (Art. 146) 2gr Short plastic drinker to put medicines. Its narrow dispenser helps the birds do not bathe in it and do not waste medicated water. Add to cart
Out-of-Stock Manitoba Natural anticocide Cox kill Manitoba 14002616 €7.50 Complementary food, produced based on natural plant extracts from the families (Asteraceae, Rosaceae, Fabaceae), has an anticocidic action, increasing resistance to the invasion of enterocytes. Among the benefits resulting from the administration of this anticocide are: it exerts a protective and healing action on the intestinal mucosa; broad spectrum... View
Home Pronafit pro1485 €15.95 100% natural, herbal and medicinal oils. Eliminate lice, flies, mosquitoes, mites, moths, popcorn from seeds. Cleans and disinfects the airways and bronchi. HOW TO USE: - Put a pill on a tile or similar, to avoid leaving marks on the road floor. - Turn on the tablet and keep until it burns alone. Once it starts to burn, steam (smoke) is generated that... Add to cart
Vitamins & Supplements Fungicide Ornilife 10000011 €7.00 Fungicide Antifungicidal and detoxifying powder mixture to be incorporated in broiler breads and in seeds intended for feeding birds, as an inhibitor and preventive of the growth and proliferation of molds and yeasts. In this way, the biodegradation, nutritional characteristics, bad taste, bad smell, bad appearance and the formation of toxic secondary... Add to cart