Home Filter Watte Prodac FIL100 €2.80 FILTERWATTE: this special synthetic fibre remains soft for long, ensuring an excellent mechanical filtration. FILTERWATTE can be placed in the filter, either just at the water inlet, as it retains the coarse impurities (dead leaves, food residue) or at the water outlet, because it prevents flaked off parts of filter material, from entering the aquarium,... Add to cart
Feeders, biscuits bowl ... Carrier seeds spc050 €0.10 dimenciones capacity cm. 5.5 x 1.5 x 2h 6 g Add to cart
Seeds repackaged Red rapeseed sem013 €1.00 It contributes significantly to improve the plumage way, making our birds present a more beautiful, colorful and well maintained coverage feathers. It also improves the birdsong. Composition: 12% water, 3.7% protein, 80% fat and carbohydrate and the remaining minerals. 1 Euro= 400gr 3 Euros= 1,2 Kg Add to cart
Home Grit White Fortebird 460004 €6.95 Grit White 4kg Fortebird Food supplement that provides calcium, phosphorus and other minerals and improves the digestion of the bird is made up of crushed oyster shells, which give an extra supply of calcium to the birds. Characteristics: During the breeding season, it provides a significant amount of calcium and therefore strengthens the bone structure... Add to cart
Nests Mixed Yuta cotton Attiva Sisal Fibre MAJ3301 €2.05 Mixed Yuta cotton enhanced with a 100% natural active formula. Designed to combat the annoying and insidious RED Mite pests in brood. They are totally natural fibers, carefully selected and hygienic, which make them spongy, breathable and absorbent. Sisal Fiber is dust-free and parasite-free, ideal for building nests for all kinds of birds. Add to cart
Lenda Lenda Original Cordero (Lamb) lenda02 €33.99 Young and adult dogs | All the races Lenda Original Lamb is a natural food and hypoallergenic, created for the daily consumption of young dogs and adults who need an alternative protein. Its source of animal protein is lamb and also incorporates a package of joint protectors and medicinal herbs that help prevent problems with the joints and improves the... Add to cart
Feeders, biscuits bowl ... Feeder Canaria €0.25 dimensions Capacity 6.5 cm x 4 x 45 gr 7h Add to cart
Product available with different options Manitoba Alpiste Canada Extra Manitoba 1403081013 €11.50 Birdseed Canada (Manitoba) It is a quality certified seed with Canada, with a high content of carbohydrates and little fat, so it is advisable to supply them with other seeds having a higher fat content. Suitable for all types of grain-eating birds Active ingredients: starch, lipids, resins, salicylic and oxalic acids, and nitrogenous substances.... View