Tetra Limón

    Tetra Limón

    Tax included

    Hyphessobrycon Pulchripinnis

    It is a kind of wide body and lateral compression. It has an adipose fin characteristic of the family, which is located near the caudal peduncle. The dorsal fin is triangular, while the caudal fin is bilobed and the anal extends from the anus to the tail fin. Its main characteristic is the presence of translucent yellow rays and eyes with a red upper edge.

    Cardumen are 6 copies.

    Individual o Cardumen


    The body is translucent silver with a notorious lateral band. The anterior rays of the anal fin are yellow and the following rays translucent with black edges. In the case of the dorsal fin it is inverted, the first rays black, the following yellow and the last translucent. It is a peaceful, sociable and gregarious fish. It is advisable to keep it in groups larger than 10 individuals. They can be associated with dwarf cichlids, catfish (such as Corydoras species and small loricariids) and other characids, but not with large cichlids. It is also not advisable to associate them with large species that can use it as food.