Neón Cardenal

    Neón Cardenal

    1,50 €
    Com IVA

    Paracheirodon Axelrodi

    It is one of the most common species of Characids of Tropical America. The body reaches a maximum length of 5 cm. It has large eyes, which occupy the middle of the head. All its fins are transparent, including its tail and its fat fin, characteristic of the Characids.

    La opción de Cardumen

    Individual o Cardumen


    They are native to South America, mainly Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil, in the basins of the Amazon, Orinoco and Negro rivers. They inhabit warm and acid waters, where the arboreal vegetation produces shade.

    It is a peaceful fish, which lives very well in groups of more than six individuals. If the group has less than six individuals, you can share the aquarium with Neon Tetra individuals. It serves as an indicator fish, because if there are predatory fish in the aquarium, other more timid fish can move more calmly in the presence of the Neon Cardinal, since they form tight groups when feeling scared....

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