Hasemania nana

    Hasemania nana

    1,80 €
    Com IVA

    Hasemania nana inhabits Amazonas, western Brazil, San Francisco river, Purus river and western Brazil.

    Small resistant species, active and endowed with a great coloration. In spite of belonging to the family of the characid, it lacks adipose fin, characteristic feature in many of its genres.

    The shoal option is 6 copies.

    Individual o Cardumen


    It is an active school fish, it must be in groups of between 8 and 10 individuals. Presents a peaceful, lively behavior and is a great swimmer in the upper-middle area of the aquarium.

    Aquarium of 60 liters and up for a group of 8 individuals. It should be kept in a well oxygenated aquarium with a powerful filter. The aquarium should be well planted with spaces for swimming. The lighting must be dim, which will enhance its color and give you peace of mind. It is advisable to use peat as filtering load....